Alex Eleftheriadis
Alex is the Chief Scientist and Co-founder of Vidyo, Inc., which develops Internet-based video communication systems. It offers desktop (PC, Mac, Linux), iOS, Android, as well as dedicated room-based systems, and also offers complete solutions to Conference Service Providers as well as OEMs. Among other awards, Vidyo was recognized by the Word Economic Forum as a 2013 Technology Pioneer. Prior to Vidyo he was an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at Columbia University, and he has also held an appointment as an Associate Professor at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications at the University of Athens.
He has more than 100 publications and holds more than 90 patents internationally, several of which are used in international standards such as H.264 AVC and H.265 HEVC video and Blu-ray DVDs. He is currently Vice President and a Member of the Board of Directors of IMTC, and Co-Chair of its Scalable and Simulcast Video Activity Group. He has been the Editor of the MPEG-4 Systems standard (ISO/IEC 14496-1), Co-Editor of the H.264 SVC Conformance specification (ITU-T H.264.1), and Co-Editor of IETF’s RTP Payload Format for SVC (RFC 6190). His awards include a WebRTC Pioneer Award (WebRTC Conference and Expo, June 2014), a Marie Curie Chair award from the European Commission, the ACM 2004 Multimedia Open Source Software Award, and an NSF CAREER Award.
He received a Diploma in Electrical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens in 1990, and M.S., M.Phil., and Ph.D. degrees from Columbia University in 1992, 1994, 1995, respectively.